Tips For Dating Someone With Mental Illness

We have all dated someone we later called ‘crazy’. Whether that was a true reflection of their mental health issues (probably not) or a random statement regarding our personal feelings about the relationship (most likely), chances are you will again meet and date someone who suffers from a mental disorder. The truth is 1 in... Continue Reading →

How Your Relationship Can Survive COVID-19

When most people first start dating all they can talk about is how much they wish they could spend more time together. All their time together. Day and night. Just to stare into each other's eyes and finish each other's sentences. For some of you, that has now become a reality. At least the 'spend... Continue Reading →

How Snapchat Changed Dating

I have been at this dating thing for quite a while now.   When I took my first dip into online dating, it was still very new and even considered taboo. I wouldn’t call myself a pioneer, but when I started, flip phones were still popular and I had never even heard of the word... Continue Reading →

What To Do When We Find Ourselves Lost

There is a popular saying that goes “Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.” And there are multiple wise sayings about detours and unexpected journeys. While there is inspiration in these words, the bottom line is this: It is no fun being lost. That scary feeling where nothing around you looks familiar and you have no... Continue Reading →

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